Sunday, June 23, 2013

Monsters University Takeover - Official Trailer!

Awesome Announcements!

Hey Guys Guess what I have summer break next week so that means more posts! sorry to those that read my movie review blog that I haven`t posted in a long time because I haven`t seen any movies in the theatre yet! but I plan on seeing Wolverine when it comes out! Thank you bye for now!

Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 Teaser Trailer HD

Disney is so Awesome!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Herbert P. Bear Dies!

Herbert P. Bear has died two months ago by drowning I shall explain how he died after Operation: Blackout Herbert build an Underwater Base in the South-Eastern Coast of the Beach Agents have Discovered a Missing Hot Sauce Bottle from the Pizza Parlour Agents got new gear and tracked him down and discovered his base and cracked down a security code, then the door opened! then agents descended to his underwater lair! then agents flooded the lair! leaving the lair to disappear in the sea! how did I know about this because Herbert can`t swim but their could be a chance that Klutzy rescued Herbert so don`t let Herbert`s death fool you he could strike again anytime soon!